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Join our work to help keep vulnerable people out of slavery.

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Love Justice exists to share the love of Jesus Christ by fighting the world's greatest injustices. Currently, we empower vulnerable children and fight to prevent human trafficking via transit monitoring.

Transit monitoring is by far the most impactful way to fight human trafficking. Love Justice intercepts people as they are being trafficked but before they’re enslaved, with an unmatched impact on the dollar at less than $150 per intercept. We are ready to scale it, and there is evidence that doing so will cause the structures that support human trafficking to collapse.

What We Do

Stop human trafficking

Over 50 million people live in modern-day slavery because of human trafficking*. We train and place monitors at strategic transit points to identify and stop trafficking as it is occurring, BEFORE people are exploited. To date, we've intercepted over 75,000 individuals to prevent them from being trafficked. 
*International Labour Organization

Help put traffickers in jail

Since we intercept hundreds of people monthly, intervening as the crime of trafficking occurs, we’re able to collect immensely valuable data on traffickers and their networks. Through our data analysis and investigations, we've helped authorities arrest over 1,600 suspects in connection with our anti-trafficking work. Read more here.

Care for the most vulnerable

Love Justice was established with the opening of family homes in some of the poorest parts of the world, caring for orphaned and abandoned children. We also operate a school in South Asia, empowering students to become difference makers in the world through excellent education. 

LJI by the Numbers


People intercepted to prevent from being trafficked


Active transit monitoring stations


Countries where we have piloted transit monitoring


Family homes caring for orphaned and abandoned kids


At-risk children cared for in our family homes


Short-term shelters for those who have been intercepted


Arrests stemming from our anti-trafficking work


Percent of closed cases resulting in convictions

There is a way to prevent human trafficking. It's called transit monitoring. Watch to learn how we work:


Learn more about our work to fight human trafficking and how you can be a part of making these numbers possible by downloading our free resource.  


Learn More About How We Fight Human Trafficking

50 million and counting...

That astonishing number of slaves in today’s world did not happen overnight. It happened one person at a time.

One by one, every hour and every minute of every day.

Find out how together, we can stop it.

*Stat from International Labour Organization


The Truth About Human Trafficking During the Super Bowl

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Ensuring Trustworthy Impact in Our Anti-Trafficking Efforts

In 2022, after 16 years of operation, Love Justice hit a record of 30,000 intercepts. In just a short span of two more..

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How Do I Know If I'm Being Trafficked?

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Learn More About Our Global Anti-Trafficking Work