Church Partnerships
Join the fight against injustice.
Church partnerships are as critical to us as field workers in the countries where we serve. When your church partners with us, you will be able to use your influence to share what God is doing through this ministry, encouraging people to stand in the gap through prayer and empowering them to be kingdom doers by helping those who need it most.
What Our Church Partners Say
"This is a ministry that seeks to partner with churches in creative ways. Love Justice goes out of their way to create a relationship with the church and provide ways the church makes a difference in the world of human trafficking and keeps on the front lines of human trafficking."
Jimi Pitts | Missions Director
Washington Heights Church
Ogden, Utah
"We at Port City Community Church partner with Love Justice International because they truly are doing some of the best work in many of the hardest parts of the world. Their accountability is unmatched, and we feel overly confident that every dollar sent is used in a Christ-like way. We are so thankful for their hearts in loving the most vulnerable in our world and diligently fighting to care for those who are taken advantage of. Partnering with Love Justice is a privilege, and we are very excited as they continue to grow and impact so many with the gospel."
Evans Baggs | Director of Missions
Port City Community Church
Wilmington, North Carolina
"The tragedy of human trafficking is an issue that weighs heavy upon the hearts of my students and many young adults in our church. We enjoy working with Love Justice because we know they are confronting the issue head on. They are actively protecting young children, intentionally rescuing them, and providing for them after they have been rescued."
Kelley Sewell | Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grabill Missionary Church
Grabill, Indiana
"As a church, we are always looking to partner with organizations where God is already working. Preventing human trafficking is a daunting task, but coming alongside the work of Love Justice is a great privilege for us because we know they are literally saving lives and bringing God's Kingdom to earth. We are so grateful for the work they are doing and feel honored to be a part of it!"
Jen Oakes | Missions Director
Missions Church
Ventura, California
How can you help us fight injustice?

Consider including us in your missions budget or talk with us about how you can sponsor a transit station and even visit our work in the field.

Share our updates and prayer requests with your congregation, promote Project Beautiful, host an event, or invite us to come speak. Use your influence to bring light to the darkness.
Transit Monitoring & Interception: How It Works
We attack trafficking at the most strategic moment—while it is in the process of occurring and BEFORE women and children have been exploited or enslaved:
- To date, Love Justice has 58 different transit monitoring stations located where trafficking occurs—near important border crossings or transit hubs in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Namibia, Mozambique, Lesotho, Liberia, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Argentina.
- When highly trained Love Justice staff notice a sign of trafficking, they stop the suspected trafficker and victim for an interview to determine if trafficking is occurring. If staff members recognize a red flag, they continue their questioning, separating the suspected victim and trafficker.
- If further questioning reveals additional red flags, Love Justice staff take action by contacting the victim’s family, questioning the suspected trafficker, and if the situation warrants it, contacting the police to deal with the trafficker further.
- The victim arrives at one of our shelters for protection, aftercare, and education about the dangers of trafficking as we assess if it is safe for the victim to return home.
- We interview victims to gather data and criminal intelligence to assist our process of convicting traffickers. When possible, we guide the victim through filing a legal case against her trafficker.
While transit monitoring and interception are our primary work, our approach to anti-trafficking also includes:

Data Collection & Analysis
Our staff is continually collecting and analyzing data in order to better understand trafficking trends and networks. This is crucial in helping to improve our operations, prosecute traffickers, and identify targets for investigations.

Prosecution & Conviction
Prosecution and conviction of traffickers are the primary goals of our investigations department because we believe they are vital to fighting the industry at its core and stopping hundreds of lives from being trafficked in the process.

Research & Development
Love Justice is passionate about taking a proactive approach in the mission to end trafficking through strategic, intelligence-led investigations that PREVENT victims from being enslaved in the horrendous industry of trafficking.
Why We Serve
At Love Justice, our mission is sharing the love of Jesus Christ by fighting the world's greatest injustices.
Slavery is not a thing of the past. The human trafficking industry is one of the most devastating and inhumane crimes in the world today, and it is growing. It is estimated that there are more than 50 million slaves in the world today—that’s more than any other time in history.

Who We Serve
Orphaned and Abandoned Children
There are millions of children in the world who have been abandoned by their parents, forced to leave home because of extreme poverty, or suffered the loss of their parents due to disease or war. Without parental guidance, provision, or love, these children often turn to lives of drugs and crime, spiraling out of control in a cycle of despair that often leads to death from HIV or other diseases.
We are passionate and determined to take these lost children who have no hope and place them in an environment where they receive love and learn of God's truth. Rehabilitation of children who have spent significant time on the streets is not easy and requires prayer, innovative thinking, and persistence. Despite the great challenges facing this work, it is critical that these children are not forgotten.
Potential Victims of Human Trafficking
The human trafficking industry is one of the greatest injustices in the world today—and it continues to grow at a devastating pace. Women and children are either kidnapped or lured by false offers of marriage or employment, and then they are sold into human trafficking.
They are smuggled to another country where they are forced to work as prostitutes, laborers, or similar roles. Our primary strategy for fighting the human trafficking industry is to monitor national borders and transit hubs, intercepting the victims before they are lost to the dark world of modern slavery.
Statement of Faith
We believe in the divine incarnation of Jesus Christ, including His miracles, death, and resurrection, as the ultimate source of all good things, including the authority of the scriptures, and the salvation, redemption, and abundant life of those who believe. This leads us to and guides us in our mission.
"Learn to do right;
seek justice.
Defend the oppressed..."
Isaiah 1:17 NIV