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Nov 28


Here's everything you need to get involved on this radical day of generosity.

giving tuesday love justice international stop human trafficking (2) (1)

Join millions of people across 85+ countries participating in GivingTuesday this year on November 28, 2023! We want to make it easy for you to get involved and rally your friends to join the fight against injustice.

Below are some tools and resources to help get you started.

Start an Online Fundraiser

One of the most powerful ways to multiply your impact is to inspire your circle of family and friends to join you. Here are three simple steps to follow:

Step 1:
Create your fundraiser.

Create your individual GivingTuesday fundraiser. It takes just a few seconds to get going.

Step 2:
Share your link.

It's time to promote your fundraiser. Use your fundraiser's share link to engage friends and family.

Step 3:
Track your progress.

Keep track of your fundraiser's progress and see who's showing support through your dashboard.

Raise Awareness on Social Media

Use the tools below to help spread the word on the big day.

Social media is a critical part of GivingTuesday success. By sharing about Love Justice with your friends online, you not only help us raise awareness but also encourage more generosity that leads to more impact! We have included a sample caption, as well as images you can download below! Please tag us @lovejusticeintl on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so we can cheer you on.

  • Sample Caption:  

    Join me and millions of others participating in the radical generosity movement called GivingTuesday! 

    This GivingTuesday (Nov. 28), I’m giving to Love Justice International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting the world’s greatest injustices through human trafficking prevention and orphan care. To date, they’ve intercepted more than 50,000 people to prevent them from being trafficked!

    Together, we can prevent many more from being trafficked.

    Together, we can #endhumantrafficking. 

    Learn more at LoveJustice.NGO

  • Click below to download a graphic to share on social media.