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Stand with Chrissy Pimlott and Still Heart Hollow in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

With your purchase of the Still Heart Spiritual Journal, 25% of the quarterly profits will be donated to Love Justice International. I invite you to also join Project Beautiful for $34 a month helping keep two more people free from modern day slavery each year.


Project Beautiful is our community of monthly donors committed to the fight against human trafficking. Because every life is beautiful and worth fighting for. As a Project Beautiful member, you'll receive exclusive updates from our anti-trafficking work in the field and a unique One Life bracelet representing a life you helped keep free from trafficking. 

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We've intercepted over 45,000 individuals to prevent them from
being trafficked. And that number is growing every day...

The 50 million* slaves in today’s world did not happen overnight. It happened one person at a time. One by one, every hour and every minute of every day. And it is there that Love Justice steps in. Our system of transit monitoring dares to believe that together we can prevent the next victim from being trafficked and that the knowledge gained can—and does—lead to arrests and convictions of those who seek to make people into victims. *International Labour Organization


People intercepted to prevent from being trafficked


Cost to intercept one person and prevent them from being trafficked


Active transit monitoring stations


Countries where we have piloted transit monitoring


Short-term shelters for those who have been intercepted


Arrests stemming from our anti-trafficking work


Percent of closed cases resulting in convictions

The economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge in trafficking. How does a person enter a life of human trafficking?



People are often deceived or sometimes forced to leave their homes...


False Promises

Usually with the promise of marriage or a job too good to be true...



Only to be sold, exploited, or enslaved.

How do we protect the innocent?


Our trained staff look for trafficking “red flags” at transit stations and border crossings.



We intercept and protect the vulnerable to prevent them from being trafficked.



We educate those we intercept about trafficking and safe foreign employment. We help prosecute traffickers.


We must take steps now to prepare for an almost inevitable surge in human trafficking after this pandemic. We're on a mission to end modern-day slavery, and we need your help.

Join Project Beautiful because every life is beautiful and worth fighting for.

Why do we call it Project Beautiful?

We believe every life is beautiful.
She is a child of God, and He knows her by name.
She is worth everything to Him.
She is not just a victim.
She is human. She is precious.
She deserves to be free.
Because every life is beautiful and worth fighting for.

What if...

she could be saved BEFORE she entered a life of slavery? Do you think that’s possible? How would that happen? Watch the video to find out!