Maybe you’ve heard the claim—that the Super Bowl is one of the biggest events for human trafficking in the U.S., with thousands of girls and women...
Continue ReadingHow Do I Know If I'm Being Trafficked?
Trafficking usually involves deep deception and manipulation, sometimes so deep that a person does not know they are being trafficked even as it is...
Continue ReadingThe Truth About Human Trafficking in the U.S.
Our staff hears it all the time when mentioning our line of work—“You know the U.S. is one of the worst countries regarding human trafficking,...
Continue ReadingPodcast Highlights: Latest Episodes in the Fight For Freedom
Since launching the Love Justice Podcast a few months ago, hosts Jason Dukes and Hannah Munn have been diving into powerful conversations with guests...
Continue ReadingTen Facts About Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is notorious for shocking statistics with dubious origins. For a crime of such magnitude, there are severe limitations in data...
Continue ReadingJoin the Conversation: Introducing The Love Justice Podcast
Love Justice launched a podcast in May as a resource for those compelled by the love of Jesus to live justly and love mercy, and to inspire more...
Continue ReadingWhat Is Organ Trafficking?
On a hot summer afternoon, an LJI team in Asia intercepted a middle-aged man waiting at a bus stop with five younger boys. The older man had promised...
Continue ReadingWorld Day Against Trafficking 2024: Leave No Child Behind
July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. This year’s theme per the United Nations is “Leave no child behind in the fight against human...
Continue ReadingGaps in Anti-Trafficking Laws Leave Millions Vulnerable to Slavery
Roughly 98% of countries surveyed by the UNODC have at least some laws against human trafficking, yet there are still an estimated 50 million people...
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