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Paula Cornell | Writer & Brand Journalist at Love Justice International

Paula is from Seattle and joined Love Justice shortly after graduating from the University of Washington with a bachelor's degree in journalism and public interest communications. Prior to college, she spent several years volunteering with Youth With A Mission, where she heard and witnessed incredible stories from around the world of healing and redemption in the face of injustice. Seeing how stories like these could inspire hope, bring understanding, and spur people into action, she began to dream of how stories could change the world. This dream eventually led her to return to college to pursue a writing degree and delivered her into the hands of Love Justice, where she is happily learning to write with an awesome team of people for a cause that she cares deeply about.
Paula Cornell | Writer & Brand Journalist at Love Justice International

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Prem-maa International: Teens' Business Creates Lasting Impact

Our donors always inspire us with their generosity and commitment to fighting human trafficking, but sometimes we come across a story so good we...

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A Legacy of Faithfulness: 12 Years Starting a School in South Asia

After 12 years of service at our school in South Asia, Sally and Kevin will move back to the States—but they leave an indelible legacy behind them of...

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From Streets to Schools: Zambia’s Fight Against Child Trafficking

Zambia lies in the heart of southern Africa and is known for the raw, natural beauty of the land and peaceful diversity among its inhabitants....

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The Impact of Art and the Power of Collaboration

Last month, Love Justice co-hosted an art event in Colorado in partnership with Freedom 58, The Village Workspace, Centennial Mayor Stephanie Piko,...

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Praying and Fasting for Freedom During Lent

Lent began yesterday! As millions of Christians around the world collectively join in this ancient tradition, we want to invite you to join us in...

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Breaking the Cycle: The Children Trafficked to Beg on the Streets

A small white truck labored down the dusty road, engine rumbling, the sharp scent of exhaust in the air. The open-aired truck bed held the vehicle’s...

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A Rare Glimpse into the Power of Prevention

On a warm weekday afternoon in November, LJI staff noticed five individuals making their way through crowds of people at the bus station where they...

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Raise Your Voice During Human Trafficking Prevention Month

It’s a new year with a new chance to make a difference in the world for the causes you care about! January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and...

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The Fight Against Injustice | Impact Report 2023

The year 2023 has been marked by exponential growth, record-breaking impact, and new and improved strategies. If you gave a donation this past year...

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