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Anti-Trafficking Donor Spotlight

Campaign Highlights: How You Helped Keep 1,689 People Free

Clothing swap fundraiser

Our One Day in May campaign was about coming together to stop trafficking across international borders for one day. We encouraged people to give, spread the word, and get creative with fundraising—and we loved the ideas that people came up with!

One estimate suggests that as many as 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. That’s 2,191 individuals per day. With our transit monitoring strategy, which costs around $200 to intercept one person to keep them free from human trafficking, the cost to intercept those 2,191 people would be $438,200. 

Altogether, our campaign raised $337,703—keeping about 1,689 people free from human trafficking! Thanks to everyone who participated in that!

These are a few of the incredible fundraisers we saw this past month:


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One of our staff members based in South Africa, Hannah Munn, invited her support team and women’s group at church to begin following Love Justice on our social accounts. As a result of this invitation, a woman at church, Tamlyn Russell, saw a post about our May campaign and decided to fundraise with us!

Russell organized a 50-minute Pilates class to be held at the church followed by an informative session with Munn about Love Justice’s anti-trafficking work. Another church member who was a pilates instructor offered to teach the class for free. Russell charged R100 (about $5) to participate in the class. 

Together, the women who attended this event raised R3150 (about $167)! 

Munn said, “I was reminded yet again how when inspired by the Holy Spirit, these funding invitations can come together easily and seamlessly—we just need to put the invitations out there.”



clothing swap fundraiser presentation

Another staff member based in South Africa, Antonia Edmonds, decided to host her own fundraiser for our May campaign! 

Edmonds’ fundraiser used the idea of a clothing swap and turned it into a fundraiser. She invited friends to join by donating clothes they wanted to get rid of and paying R100 (about $5) to participate in the event. On the day of the clothing swap, participants could pick out five items for free and then purchase additional items for R30 ($1.60) each. Coffee and treats were available, and there was a brief sharing time about Love Justice’s anti-trafficking work. Edmonds shared about the “One Day in May” campaign and how all funds raised would go towards the goal of funding an intercept to keep one person free from human trafficking. 

“We reached the target thanks to everyone’s contributions and generosity!” Edmonds said.

The event raised R4270 ($228), above the intercept cost goal of about $200.  



Erik Dukes, brother to our VP of Advancement, hosted an online fundraiser, using our peer-to-peer fundraising platform to create a donation page that he sent to his contacts.

“The process was really easy. It really expanded what I was going to give as a donation because it allowed others to get involved and into Love Justice, which is something they may not have even been aware of,” said Dukes.

In total, Dukes’ online fundraiser raised $1,042, which allowed us to intercept five more people to prevent them from being trafficked!



Each person hosting these fundraisers could have learned about human trafficking, felt moved but done nothing; or they could have learned about it, been moved, and made a donation. But how much more powerful to take that awareness and pull others in as well! In this way they were able to multiply both awareness and donations!

The campaign is over but our work goes on, and we continue to need your support and creativity in fundraising. There are so many ways to multiply your impact in this fight against injustice! Check out our fundraising page for more ideas at the button below. 


Get started fundraising

*All data and statistics current at the date and time of publishing. 

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