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One of the challenges in raising funds to fight human trafficking is that the large statistics can feel overwhelming and impersonal. 

As we fight modern-day slavery––an injustice affecting some 50 million people around the globe––we at Love Justice seek to remember that God’s love for each and every one of those people is vastly greater than our love for even one person we hold close. 

Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your child, your brother or sister, your parents, your husband or wife, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your very best friend in all the world? 


Who do you love the most? 

Little girl in pink coat standing on a rock

Now, imagine that person didn’t have you in their life to care for them. Imagine there was no one to notice they went missing, no one to listen when they shared they were lonely, no one to help them out when they were short on cash for their next meal. Someone else, not you, came into their life and started making big, lofty promises. 

“I know of a job where you will make good money, even though you have no job experience.” “I’m in love with you, and I want to be your boyfriend/husband.” 

“I can take care of you.” 

Like watching a movie and yelling at the characters on the screen, they can’t hear you. You’re not there to tell your loved one, “This person is lying! They are going to take advantage of you! Don’t fall for it!”

Your loved one accepts the offer from the stranger because they are desperate. The stranger takes them towards the nearest border, with many promises of a better life beyond. Once they cross that border, they will sell your loved one into slavery, perhaps at a brothel, a brick factory, a farm—somewhere they will spend the rest of their life in hopeless subjugation, wishing someone had been there to fight for them.

You see all this unfold, and there is nothing you can do. 


But … what if we told you that there is something you can do—that you can actually stop all this from happening? 

Before they are sold, before that deceptive stranger brings them out of the country—what if you could alter the course of your loved one’s life? What if we told you that you could send a Love Justice monitor to stand watch at that border crossing, to notice the danger your loved one was in when everyone else looked away, to step in and protect your loved one from being taken away and sold into slavery, and to help your loved one return home safely? What if they could even turn that trafficker over to the police to be put behind bars so that they could never do that to another human being again? 

Is that worth $200 for the person you love the most?

What about for a person you’ve never met? 


Today is the final day of our One Day in May campaign, with the goal of raising $438,200, the cost to theoretically stop trafficking across international borders for one day. If you haven’t taken a moment to give yet, we invite you to do so! Every life is beautiful and worth fighting for. 


*All data and statistics current at the date and time of publishing. Names changed, and some specific locations excluded for privacy and security purposes.

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