It’s a new year with a new chance to make a difference in the world for the causes you care about! January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and January 11 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Read on to learn how you can raise your voice about the global crime of human trafficking and modern-day slavery.
The problem
There are an estimated 50 million slaves in the world today. The most common victims are those with higher vulnerabilities—impoverished, marginalized, displaced, war-torn, etc. People who are desperate for a better life are more likely to believe the deceptions of a trafficker for the hope that is offered to them.
Our solution
We believe that every life is beautiful and worth fighting for. Through our transit monitoring strategy, we place monitors at busy points of transit—railway stations, bus stations, border crossings, etc.,—and train them to watch for signs of trafficking. If the monitors suspect someone may be at risk of being trafficked, they will begin questioning them as well as the suspected traffickers to determine if any red flags are present. If deemed that trafficking is likely, the monitors intervene, educate on the danger, assist with taking the at-risk individuals to safety, and work with local law enforcement to arrest the suspected traffickers.
By using this unique strategy, Love Justice has intercepted over 50,000 people to prevent the injustice of human trafficking.
This number has been growing exponentially in the past few years as we’ve worked hard to maximize impact. We are beginning to dream of achieving a tipping point, where this kind of change becomes self-perpetuating and irreversible. We are beginning to dream of a future where ending human trafficking is truly possible.
What you can do: red flag challenge
The red flag symbol in our logo stands for the warning signs that our monitors look for to determine if someone is being trafficked and the action they take to step into that critical moment and stop them from being enslaved. Human trafficking by nature is a hidden crime, with traffickers moving people into slavery largely unnoticed. We are changing that, and you can, too, by helping us shine a brighter light on this hidden crime.
A simple way to help us raise awareness is by joining our red flag challenge.
- Make a red flag out of whatever materials you choose—paper, fabric, cardboard, whatever—get creative! Or download and print ours here.
- Take a photo or video of yourself holding the flag.
- Post your photo or video on social media with the hashtag #welovejustice and raise your voice about human trafficking. Don’t forget to tag us @lovejusticeintl.
- Tag five of your friends to either carry on the challenge or make a donation.
Together, we can raise our voices to help stop modern-day slavery. Tag us so we can share and shine more light on the injustice of human trafficking! You can also get involved this month by simply sharing a recent post from one of our social pages or giving a special donation in January. There's a place for you in the Love Justice family as we fight injustice together.
*All data and statistics current at the date and time of publishing. Names changed and some specific locations excluded for privacy and security purposes. Images are representative and do not picture actual victims.
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